BORICUA The Original Puerto Rico Emblematic Suprahero
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BORICUA The Original & first Puerto Rican Suprahero
Born in San Juan Puerto Rico as Joseph Stefan Robles, because of this he choose to call himself Boricua in his suprahero career. He have a brother with the same Suprahuman strenght, Borincano that is leader of the BORIKEN WARRIORS, emblematic historical supraheroes. Boricua is 6' 10" feet tall and increasing. He is weighing 536 pounds and increasing. Eye color are blue and hair color is black. His first appearance was in the SuperDefenders #1(published in 1991). His Suprahuman strenght augmenting day by day because of a rare desease that increase his muscular mass and decrease his intelligence that is progressive. He become Doctor in medicine in the General Hospital in New York, USA; to find a cure for this strange desease that He and his brother have. He choose to wear the Puerto Rico's flag colors to make the USA people know more about his island, and make his fellows boricuas proud.
BORICUA The Original Puerto Rico Patriotic Suprahero
BORICUA is the Original Patriot emblematic Puerto Rico's flag Suprahero. He is part of the Suprahero team called The SuperDefenders and was published many years ago until today. All Copy or used of this materials in this pages or its Publications without our permissions, will pay legally as The Copyrights Laws ordered.
All the materials,art, characters & names are 1970-2013 Copyrighted, Registered & Trademarks of Boricua Comics Entertainment & Associates. All Violators of the Copyrights Law will be Prosecuted by the Laws of the USA and Internationals. Todos los materiales,arte, personajes & nombres tienen 1970-2013 Copyrighted, Registrados & son Marca Registrada de Boricua Comics Entertainment Studios. Todos los Violadores de la Ley de Copyrights seran procesados por las leyes de EU(USA) e Internacionales.